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Connect With Our Doctors From the Comfort of Your Home

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Receive Up to $1352 per Week in State Disability Benefits

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Telemedicine Face to Face Online Evaluation with a Licensed Mental Health Professional

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Your Disability Will Be Certified and Filed with EDD and Insurance Carrier

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Psychological Evaluations
When You
Need It Most. 

For Anyone, Anywhere, at Anytime.

How it Works

How It Works

Our Behavioral and Mental Health Provider will Evaluate you over the phone/computer through our HIPPA Compliant Video Teleconferencing system. Psych Doctors Online supports injured and disabled California employees using licensed physicians to evaluate claims, consult and examine patients, certify disability and complete insurance paperwork and forms pertaining to the patient's mental health/disability. Everything is done online... after an initial HIPAA compliant teleconference directly with the doctor, we securely upload medical records, and help you submit it, through you're already established disability account, we ultimately
secure payment remittance for services performed.  

1. Doctor Evaluates Your Medical  Condition

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2. Video Chat With a Licensed Doctor. 

3. Quick and Secure!

Your medical records will not be shared with any 3rd parties.

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4. Disability certification is completed, signed and emailed.

Certified. Responsive. Compassionate.

Patient Stories

“I'm so glad I spoke with Lauren. She was so helpful. I have nothing, but good things to say."

J'Naiya, Ontario. CA

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